Who am I?
What's my purpose?
What if there were a place where kids could step out of their normal everyday routine and have an amazing camp adventure - but instead of just a week of fun – these campers could additionally gain valuable skills during that week that could forever change their lives and give them the tools necessary to process anything that comes at them in life the right way.
It may sound too good to be true – but Camp Covenant is that place!
Camp Covenant’s program is unlike any other. It is a unique mix of all the best summer camp activity along with Christian leadership, apologetics, character and life-skills training and so much more! Campers are having a blast while learning and growing. This information called the Who Am I? © Series is exciting, easy to grasp, and as earlier mentioned… life-changing!
Camp Covenant's program breaks down in an understandable, and easy to learn way, how our life works, who we are, how we became that way, and how to become who God created us to be.
Here are a few examples of the Camp Covenant program:
Campers learn through a simple formula called The Boxes © how important our thinking is, why the Bible teaches us to capture our thoughts, why we act and feel as we do, and how to correctly process every situation in life.
Campers learn how the overcoming life of a Christian makes us a Farmer of Life ©. These are just a couple of the terms that kids will take home to remember and use in their everyday lives.
Camp Covenant’s program also gives kids lessons in apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith, and explains what the latest science is actually finding about the question of God’s existence.
After working with kids and families for over 38 years, the leadership staff at Camp Covenant understands that kids are facing challenges like never before that desperately need real-life answers. There is a lack of certainty and an unrest in the world today. The present perspective of what kids should be striving for does not bring the satisfaction that it promises.
Kids are watching the world around them face this dilemma and in turn are struggling to find value and purpose in the culture they have been given.
It was in dealing with these problems and trying to find the answers in counseling families over decades that our Who Am I? © series was developed, successfully tested and tried, put into a 6 book series, and is now in the process of being published and used as curriculum for our seminars, retreats, our private Christian school Vanguard, and our camps EquipGirl, Camp Shield, and Camp Covenant.
Using these same techniques and information, we have seen countless lives (adults and children) changed for Christ; and because of this,
we believe this program can answer the big life questions we all ask and give campers the skills needed to navigate life successfully.